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Marketing strategy of Adidas


Marketing communication is the process organizations apply to notify the company’s messages regarding the brand or products they will sell to the customers to make them buy that product or services. In short, the variety of channels companies adopts to convey a detailed information regarding their products and services to the targeted customers is called marketing communication. Marketing communication can be further pursued through the help of cause marketing which refers to the adjuvant of profit and non-profit companies for mutual benefits (Koekemoer, 2020).

Profit organizations being engaged in social charitable associations, and campaigns initiated by non-profit organizations will boost their brand’s corporate social responsibilityIn this report, we will demonstrate the marketing communication plan for Adidas and its activities related to cause marketing along with its marketing communication mix tools, media mix channels, and campaign management proposal.

Adidas Brand Audit

Adidas is a manufacturing company of products for athletics and sports persons like footwear, bags, sunglasses, balls, fitness tools, apparel, accessories, gear, etc. The major purpose of this company is to offer people a healthy lifestyle and aid in growing unheeded athletes around the globe. Its mission of them is to be the leading sports brand worldwide and achieve the power to change the lifestyles of sports persons and athletes in the world. Adidas possesses its values of performance, diversity, integrity, and passion.

The company accentuates the stakeholder’s requirements in order to keep the eventual brand performance and they have realized the core competitive environment of the sportswear. Their values are related to the objective of offering the best sportswear to customers (Shahudin, 2018). They are acknowledged for accomplishing things rights and they target to influence the people to purchase their goods this is the strategy of the company of keeping the customers loyal and having positive perceptions toward the brand.

Adidas applies a differentiated strategy for choosing and targeting its core and valued customers. Their major targeted customers are young people, kids, and children with an interest in staying fit and a passion for sports. Their age target is from 13-45 years although their major customers are aged between 15-30 years coming from diverse societies and classes.

This company adopts the diacritic strategy to build a customer base and benefit-oriented positioning through which the company builds strong and noteworthy brand recognition in the minds of its customers. They generate the marketing program to clang the market and introduce themselves as the Creator Sports Brands

The major competitive advantage that Adidas has is the brand equity, ordination network, and higher product quality. With 2400 retail stores worldwide they have attained almost $4.3 billion in revenues in 2014. They sponsor teams in NBA, Cricket & Olympics, UEFA, and FIFA. For a long time, Adidas has been acknowledged as the best sportswear producer with comfortable, satisfaction, and perdurable (Usha, 2012).

Adidas has urged its competitiveness by maintaining the international relationship with International Labor Organization, and International Finance Corporation which supported it to surpass its competitors to build sustainability.

Adidas PESTEL Analysis

Adidas is a company of sports goods-producing several ranges of items for athletes. They have to take into account roughly their surrounding environmental condition to stay in a competitive company through PESTEL analysis.

Political: Adidas ships their products and expand the supply chain channel in different countries following the political regulations of taxation, tariffs, custom, product safety laws, consumer safety goods regulations, international trade agreements, labor laws, etc. Besides they use political factors as mechanisms for interference with forged goods. Each country has its own regulations and Adidas is bound to abide by those to conduct business and distribute goods.

Economic: Adidas is one of the biggest 50 companies that contribute 70% of their revenues. Adidas products are called leisure goods which are sold on trends and perceptions (Frue, 2020). But they have to run against other leisure industries, so Adidas need further research of distribution areas especially in China as their economy is labor-intensive and should act strategically regarding materials cost.

Social: Adidas introduces their products according to their customer preferences and trends and are offered to several ages and tastes people who have an interest in sports. They majorly intend to provide to health-concerned customers. Also, contribute to several volunteer campaigns, and aid in the Olympics to capture new customer attention.

Technological: Adidas examines their sportswear based on the changing circumstances and strives to improve their performances for professional athletes and players. Adidas extends its business through online and social media and websites (Farooq, 2021). They are also preferring to adopt smart technology like Fitbit to keep the advanced pace and explore the advanced industries.

Environment: They are contributing to examining the environmentally hazardous elements and eradicating them which is why they use natural materials in their production. Besides, they assure to perform ethical practices in import and export mechanisms to global markets.

Legal: They own the intellectual properties and IP address and also patent amenities to be saved from being copied by bogus brands. Adidas follows the rules of the Trademark and upholds the marketing mechanism through sponsorships in celebrity programs following the government laws.

Cause Marketing of Adidas

Cause marketing refers to the activities of aiding any charitable organization or social issues and gets marketing benefits through it. Adidas has been recognized for the best athleisure and sports gear products by its target customers. They had a noteworthy number of ambassadors like sports stars that demonstrates the intentions of the company of generating awareness and extending brand promotions of sports through their branded products.

Recently Adidas has initiated a marketing campaign to ensure the opportunity and amenities for the unheeded children and foster their inner talents and skills to get a chance in the sports industry and make shining life in this international sports territory (Adkins, 2016). In order to get the intentions, turn into reality they have tended to work on the campaign “gumption through sports”  where kids get a huge platform to extract their best talents and get every possible opportunity to develop their abilities and emulate the international sports field.

In this respect to provide better and more effective services to the targeted unheeded kids and children in the UK, Adidas has decided to cooperate with a diverse charitable organization that will be considered as the major partner for this initiative campaign. Youth Sports Trust UK, Generating Genius, Children in Need and Sports England has become their supporting partners who aid the company to extend the cause marketing and support to trace the concentration in a proactive way.

Target Audience and Stakeholders

Adidas has majorly targeted the young and adults along with kids with the intention of fitness and sports interests aging from 13 to 45, as most of their customers are 15 to 30 years of age. They also have accessories targeting older adults and their products are categorized according to age preferences and trends (Lim, 2021).

Their major stakeholders are employees, government, shareholders, customers, press, business partners, trade associations, suppliers and executive boards, and other service providers who support emphasizing the operations and event in an effective manner and convey the intention to their major stakeholders proactively.

SMART Plan Objectives

Adidas has intended to adopt the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) in order to sell 50 thousand units of their sports products by 2022 and to increase by 25% revenue to introduce the cause campaign at the same timeThey are intending to recruit almost 500 employees by 2023 for the “Gumption through sports” campaign.  Adidas also plans for implementing its campaign for unheeded young children in London by 2025 which will help them address the brand in a promotional manner to the key stakeholders and target markets.

The creative strategy of Adidas

Their strategic concentration is to expand the brand fidelity, extending the customer’s experiences through their sportswear and surpassing the limitations of sustainability in the target market.  Their recent marketing communication plan and campaign also require an appropriate creative strategy to be implemented which will be conducted through a brand logo and campaign branding which will support increase the brand name, company messages, and company intentions to the target customers and generate a strong brand image in the consumer’s views.

Adidas implement this logo strategy to get people to apprise of the brand (Adidas, 2020). This strategy will support the company in placing a vast sustainable base in the marketplace while diversifying the customer base. Their Creative strategic approach has been created througCiteh rationale marketing which will help the company realize sports-related circumstances and help them engage in corporate social responsibility effectively. These CSR  activities support the increase of the brand image and work as a promotional strategy, which addresses the social issues to be developed and generates amenities for the unheeded children and young in the target market as well as strengthen the brand positioning.

Marketing Communication Mix Plan

Adidas to expand the campaign awareness they have planned to adopt the marketing communication plan which comprises direct marketing, sales promotion, events and experiences, personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, PR and publicity, and interactive marketing.

Direct Marketing would help to target the people suitable for the brand through direct mail, email marketing, and telemarketing Media. Events and experiences spread the awareness of the brand image to the audiences (Chettiar, 2007).

PR and publicity would support the company attract the target customers rapidly. Advertising will let the audience know the details information about the products offered and personal selling will help the company to analyze the customer’s perceptions. Along with these POS donation ads, kiosk communication also works as an effective marketing strategy

Media Mix Plan

A media mix plan refers to the composition of marketing channels that an organization uses in order to reach the target audiences.  Adidas examining its target audience’s tastes, behaviors, and region have also intended on choosing paid media channels to scatter the information to the customers. In the digital and modern world, they should initiate social media platforms and websites which will speedily spread the brand image to the people (Dahl, 2021). Then, they should do email marketing to the interested customers and billboards will remind the customers regarding the brand products frequently.

Marketing Communication Implementation Proposal

Adidas has planned and introduced its recent market campaign “Gumption through sports” in order to help the underprivileged children and young in the UK. To make this initiative into realistic shape, the company has intended to embrace several marketing plans. But it needs a sufficient budget for the marketing communication to be effectively implementedThus, they have developed a proposal plan and budget schedule where their investment will be demonstrated. 

As Adidas has huge popularity on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, it can implement its marketing strategy through these platforms. Besides, YouTube videos will also help it grow public awareness of the brand image and product details. On the other hand, physical marketing or direct marketing will allow the company to reach its market of national or international range.

Their recent cause marketing campaign has a 50000 GBP worth of investment in order to get the plan accomplished within time. Their marketing communication budget plan that is proposed for the new implementation is shown below.

Marketing Budget

Percentage %

Direct Marketing


Meeting and Conferences








Public Relations or Advocacy


Advertising, TV, Radio, Print


Self Reflection

Adidas has the intention of spreading its brand worldwide. And to do so their initiative of the marketing campaign for the children from the diverse regions who have talents but not get privileges will definitely support the brand and change public perceptions of their brands. In my opinion, the strategies they have decided to implement in the near future will be effective to attain the purposed goals. As they have analyzed their external environment which will support them to examine the target audience and their relevant opportunities and threats in the future. The company will get a view of the amenities and benefits from the campaign and marketing strategies. Their budget has effectively scheduled the proposal to be implemented. I think if everything goes according to the plan the marketing communication proposal will surely be implemented in an effective manner and the company will be benefitted in this regard.


From the perspective of the report conducted, Adidas Company as a large sportswear company still needs public awareness to be acknowledged worldwide. The company initiated its marketing communication campaign, which benefits the company to spread its brand image and effectively increase the positive audience’s perceptions. The company has planned its campaign and marketing communication strategies by adopting tactics like PESTEL analysis to get a better view of the external environment, selected target customers, and examined them thoroughly, partnered with a social charity organizations to get support. They have also chosen marketing effective channels and adopted the SMART tool and marketing mix plan and media mix plan that will support the company implement the initiative with prosper.

A self-reflection must be about your performance within your team, how the team contributed to your personal and professional development; what you would have done differently and how you would improve in future team works. Who in your team worked well or not etc.


1. Koekemoer, L., 2020. Marketing Communication. Cape Town: Juta & Company, Limited.

2. Shahudin, H., 2018. Operational Risk and Its Determinants: Adidas Company and Its Influences on External and Internal Factors. SSRN Electronic Journal,.

3. Usha, D., 2012. Company law Reforms in India- An Overview. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2(1), pp.16-17.

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5. Farooq, U., 2021. Adidas PESTLE Analysis | Marketing Tutor. [online] Marketing Tutor. Available at: <https://www.marketingtutor.net/adidas-pestle-analysis/>

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9. Chettiar, L., De Beer, M. and Reddy, M., 2007. Marketing communication. Sandton: Heinemann.

10. Dahl, S., 2021. Social media marketing. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.

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