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About Us

What is Shobair Bhai?

=> Basically, ShobairBhai is me. Shobair = My first name and Bhai = Brother. All my known people always call me by that name. That is why I thought, why shouldn't I use this name as my website name. So, I did it.

Who am I?

=>  Hello! there, Myself Shobair Ahammad. I belong to a city in Bangladesh called Chittagong. I'm 22 also a student. That's all for now. If you want to know more about me. I'll share my life story. For that, you have to ask.

What I actually do?

=> I'm a student also a Businessman. Want to know more? then you need to ask.

What actually my blog about?

=> In early 2020, I started this site to share my personal experiences, thought regarding my travel over my city. In early 2021, I thought I need to change the topic of my blogs. So, I tried to share reviews regarding computer parts like hardware, software. And with that, I also share some information regarding technical things. 

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